So then...

About Me

Welcome to my blog. My pen name is Eva James. I'm an aspiring writer paying the bills working as a legal secretary. Bullied by my boss in 2008, I looked for another job but the recession hit. Feeling trapped, I started this blog. Trevor Griffiths, legendary theatre, TV and film writer said at the outset, "I like the writing a lot: smart, cool, placed. If you were prepared/able to take your prick of a boss on, you'd marmelise him." I was unaware back then that it would catalogue one of the most extreme cases of workplace bullying in the UK. I've found another job, but am subject to a gagging order. I'm still blogging, of course. Just don't tell the lawyers!

Friday 17 September 2010

Suzy Lamplugh Trust

This is my 100th blog!

In the last week or so, I’ve found myself dwelling less on bullying and more generally on how vulnerable working women can be, especially when we’re living on our own. There are so many stereotypes heaped on us: awful assumptions made by colleagues and society at large. It’s still a man’s world. Howard's not the only guy to find the joys and miseries of working women one big joke. He simply took it to the next level – finding past examples of the rape and murder of women quite hilarious.

It’s a sobering thought.

Still, how can I be sad when I've written so many blogs? It’s such an achievement. And how I wish I could tell Howard that to celebrate my milestone – I’ve donated some of his settlement money to the Suzy Lamplugh Trust.

See you soon


1 comment:

Mr Fan said...

Congratulations on your centenial post. Their are PPL that don't know what to do or can't even define bullying. I beleive a world wide prime-time reality show on this would show high ratings and condition PPL on what bullying is and how to act. Some of these mad men don't understand and don't want to understand there terror act. We need to move on and perhaps expose these deprieved/demented culprits. x

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